School Rules
Every Montfortian is expected to have a high level of self-discipline and social responsibility at all times. He understands that discipline is at the centre of all we do and that the purpose of school is to learn – not just academic subjects but also to learn what appropriate behaviour is and to be able to discern right from wrong.
The adherence to school rules and regulations helps build a school and classroom environment that is safe and conducive for learning. Disciplinary systems and measures are put in place to enable students to understand what is expected of them and to understand the consequences of both positive and negative behaviour.
All students need to adhere to the school rules and in particular ensure that:
Being clean shaven e.g. All male students must be clean-shaven at all times. Moustache and beards are not allowed.
Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform and modification to the uniform is not allowed.
Students who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge. Students will take the Pledge with the right fist placed over the heart.
Students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item which is intended to be used to cause harm to others.
School Start Time: Monday to Friday – 8.00 am
Students are advised to be in school by 7.45 am daily.
Students who are not present with their form classes at the flag-raising ceremony will be considered as late or absent.
Our students need to be:
Ready For School
Ready For Class
Properly groomed and in proper school uniform. (See prescribed uniform and grooming for details.)
Punctual for school. (See Punctuality for details.)
Attentive and respectful at Assemblies.
Moving along corridors and stairways in a quick, quiet and orderly manner.
Respectful of school regulations and school authority figures who help carry out the school activities. (E.g. teaching & non-teaching staff, student leaders, speakers, vendors or parents.)
Model the school values (CHRISTE) both in school and in public. (See School Values.)
Bring the necessary materials for class. (E.g. School bag, books, stationery, notes)
Keep the classroom neat and clean.
Switch off and keep all electronic devices.
Focus on class tasks and complete all homework on time.
Take responsibility for their learning:
a) Recording homework, assignments and CCA activities in the P&G Journal.
b) Bringing all books home for revision. -
Respect teachers by:
a) Greeting all teachers.
b) Being punctual for lessons.
c) Staying focussed on the lessons.
d) Asking questions appropriately and respectfully.
e) Seeking permission from teacher first if there is a need to leave the class. -
Prepare well for all tests and examinations.
Maintain the integrity of tests and examinations. (See rules and regulations for test and examination.)
Handphone Policy
All handphones must be switched off and always kept in the bag/locker during curriculum time.
Students are only allowed to use their handphones
during their recess and lunch breaks, and
only on the ground floor, and
only in the canteen and areas before the canteen
Should there be any breach of any of the above, the student’s handphone will be confiscated and can only be collected by the student’s parent/ guardian at a later date.
For repeated offences, the handphone will be confiscated for at least one week before it can be collected by the student’s parent/ guardian.
Refusal to surrender the handphone when requested is considered as defiance. Consequences will be meted out for acts of defiance.
For more information, please download the school rules here.